The Institutional Research Center


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The MMC CAST Office of Institutional Research (IRCC supports the mission of MMC CAST by  providing a central office for research endeavors of all academic programs and administrative departments. It is believed that an organized research department will greatly  contribute to the to the institution’s commitment to engage in research as it is stated in the thrusts of MMC- CAST.

Furthermore, the IRCC will also be instrumental in the production of research outputs  that are timely and evidence based information for faculty members, students and decision making of the administrators.

Specifically, the Center is responsible for:

  • Developing  programs for research capability building among faculty members and administrators
  • Establishing  mechanisms, policies, guidelines and formats to assist research endeavors of faculty members, students and administrators relevant for the attainment of institutional goals
  • Formulating a research agenda of MMC CAST
  • Facilitates or assists
    • Students for their research endeavors where they can integrate their learning among the different disciplines
    • In Faculty professional development
    • The administration and stakeholders for decision making
  • Conducting institutional research studies to support MMC CAST in planning and decision making
  • Organize research conferences for presentation of research outputs
  • Create publication opportunities for the presented and reviewed research outputs through in-house and external publication.



1.1. The definition of research that may be supported by the Institutional Research Office  is quite  comprehensive in terms of its scope.  It is believed that Research is an activity/process designed and carried out to produce increased understanding, new information, or a creative work that will benefit  the MMC CAST community.

1.2. To provide streamlining of all research efforts of the institution and support staff for research projects which have will have  significant  impact upon the proponents, their respective profession or discipline , the college or  other stakeholders.

1.3 To provide mechanism and guidelines for application of  technical support, resources and funding or grant for approved research proposal of the faculty.


2.1. Feasibility of the proposed research in terms of  resources, facilities available, availability of funds and probability of bringing the undertaking to a successful conclusion.

2.2. Appropriateness of the problem to be investigated and merit of the problem as a scholarly/creative endeavor.

2.3. Promise of contribution to existing knowledge or interpretation of the subject, or the accomplishment of a significant, permanent piece of creative work or re-creative work.


3.1. Submission schedule : Submission of  proposals will be set by the Institutional  Research Committee.    Proposals received after the  closing date will be considered for funding later if unencumbered funds remain.

3.2. Institutional Research Calendar : It is expected that all projects will begin during the

begining of the school year in which the applications are approved. No projects will be approved for a subsequent fiscal year.

  • Submission of Faculty Research Proposals : March first week – (for approval , June implementation of the same year)
  • Review and Deliberation by the IRC – Last week of March - (First screening) , proponents will be informed for presentation
  • Proposal Presentation by the proponent to the IRC– first week of April
  • Submission of revisions and corrections for Final Approval – 2nd week of April
  • Final approval with budget  allocation – 3rd week of April
  • Start of Implementation – First week of June (30% of approved grant  to be released)
  • Midterm report submission – First week of November (30% grant release) or
    • 15% finals period of first sem
    • 15% midterm period of second sem
  • Final draft submission – First week of March - for presentation and/or submission to peer reviewed journal – 40% release of grant

3.3. Grant Eligibility and Validity: All persons with faculty rank are eligible to apply for a grant. Proposals from professional staff may also be considered. Faculty Research Committee members may submit proposals, but will have no vote in approval procedures for that request. Grants will be valid only during the time of the grantee’s affiliation with MMC CAST

3.4. Clarification Process: Individuals may be requested to meet with the Committee for clarification of their request or the Committee may contact researchers to clarify questions and concerns regarding proposals prior to the scheduled meeting of the committee. After the meeting, the Chair will notify the applicant verbally of the results of the Committee deliberations

3.5. Creating a Faculty Research Account: After a project is approved, the Director of the IRC will notify the applicant in writing; however, the processes for reimbursement must be cleared in writing by the applicant with the IRC.

3.6. Extension Requests: If the grantee finds that the project will continue past the terminal date specified in the request, the grantee must apply directly to the Budget Custodian for one extension, not to exceed one year. Subsequent extension requests must be submitted in writing to the IRC for approval. If a letter requesting an extension of the project is not submitted to the IRC within one month after the encumbrance date expires, any remaining funds will return automatically to the IRC for redistribution.

3.7. Approval of Other Committees: Proposals involving research with human subjects must be approved by the Institutional Review Board.  Proposals involving animals must be approved by the national animal protection agency. Approval forms must be attached to the application for Institutional Research Committee funds at the time of its submission or the application cannot be considered.

3.8. Travel Expenses: Travel expenses will be considered under the following guidelines: a) Travel will be funded as is necessarily and justifiably applied to the research; b) Travel to one conference to report the research funded by the Institutional Research Committee will be considered by the Committee upon application after completion of the research.

3.9. Technical Assistance: Costs for direct technical assistance, including student help, may be included in the proposal. In case student help is involved,  the IRC in coordination with  the Accounting Office  should be consulted to determine if the proponent is eligible to receive other funds.  However, students involved in faculty research , who are receiving course credit for the project (i.e., as an independent study or lab course) are not eligible to receive fund assistance for their involvement in the project.

3.10. Institutional Property: All books, materials, equipment, and supplies obtained with grant funds will belong to MMC CAST

3.11. Equipment Requests: Requests for equipment unrelated to the research project will not be considered by the Institutional  Research Committee. In the event that expensive equipment or procedures are involved in the proposed research, the Institutional Research Committee encourages the researchers to combine their application to the Committee with applications for funds from other sources.

3.12. Reimbursing the Committee: In cases in which financial support from the Institutional Research Fund has been a significant factor in the production of books, journals, computer programs, TV, or audio tapes, inventions or other items which have brought the applicant a significant financial return, applicants should be expected to reimburse the fund. All applicants are advised to consult the policy on publishing and copyrights described in the Faculty Handbook.


4.1. The Research Proposal must be submitted, electronically (by e-mail), to the Research Committee in care of the Institutional Research Office (

4.2. All proposals must be submitted under the following FORMAT exactly as shown below. Failure to do so will result in the proposals being returned. It is important to itemize expenses in sufficient detail for the Committee to understand clearly the purposes of the proposed expenditures.


  1. Researcher’s (s’) Name, Title, Department Name, Campus Address, Telephone Number, E-mail Address and academic rank.  (If not holding academic rank, statement of background).
  2. Title of Research.
  3. Statement of the problem, including a research hypothesis or objectives/research question.
  4. Brief summary of background and significance.
  5. Research design. Method of addressing the research question or hypothesis.
  6. When research involved human subjects or animal subjects, approval by the Institutional Review Board  (VPAA, Research Head or Director, Cluster Coordinator)  approval by the Animal Welfare Committee MUST be attached to the proposal or the proposal WILL NOT be considered.
  7. Obtain the necessary wildlife collection permit from the appropriate state agency.
  8. Projected length of time involved for completion of the project. The project must commence during the IRC Calendar year in which it is approved.
  9. Value to the profession, MMC CAST, or other stakeholders
  10. How the information will be disseminated (e.g. conference, journals, presentations etc.).
  11. Projected itemization and total of expenses to be incurred by the project. Specify funds from other sources and what the funds will be used. Areas to be itemized include: a) equipment acquisitions; b) supplies; c) technical help; d) travel (if any); and e) other.
  12. Other information deemed by the researcher to be of value to the Faculty Research Committee in evaluation of the request.
  13. Proposals should not ordinarily exceed five pages, excluding the budget.


5.1. A final written report in the form of an abstract of 300 words or less is to be filed electronically to the office or via  the budget custodian of the Faculty Research Funds, within 90 days of the project. For examples, please see the Model Abstracts linked to the Faculty Research Committee web page, at the Faculty Senate web site. An itemized list of expenses incurred should be attached to the report.

5.2. Subsequent applications will not be approved from researchers who do not comply with the IRC  Guidelines (e.g. failure to submit an abstract).